The devil’s own agent,
the devil’s right hand man,
the anti-Christ, the beast
will come and take his stand;
And, all the world will love him,
and worship him as god,
giving him great honor,
reverence and applause;
And he will set his mark
on those who worship him,
as he sits on his throne
in dark Jerusalem;
Then, Jesus shall return,
and He shall take His stand.
The Light, not the darkness
will have the upper hand;
And, all His foes will flee
amongst the rocks and dens;
But, who can hide from God?
They all shall meet their end.
In Heaven, Christ will reign
and all who worship Him
will see Him on His throne
in New Jerusalem.
Constance V. Walden
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Revelations 6:12-17
Revelations 13: 11-18
Revelations 19:11-21