There’s a thick, black cloud
blanketing our nation
weighty, thick, and blinding
like a fog;
For, our sins have grown so dark
that they’re blotting out the sun,
and we’ve all but turned away
from the living God.
Every evil thing
that men can think to do,
they do it well
from sea to shining sea;
And like Sodom and Gomorrah
perished under flames,
America now goes
the way of these.
“One Nation Under God”,
“In God We Trust”,
These words right now
don’t seem to mean a thing.
There’s a thick, black cloud
blanketing our nation,
a threat to life
to every human being.
Come America,
let’s put away our sins,
our murders and our pride
and all our greed,
Then by grace,
the Lord may save us,
forgiving all our sins
if we turn to Him repenting on our knees.
Constance V. Walden
Approximated 1996